Loan Modification - How to Get Approved by Your Mortgage Lender

Mortgage loan modification advice is surely not in shortage on the web, television, radio, and more of late. In fact, now even President Obama has recommendations on how to get a loan modified. One would think that with such an abundance of information available, a decision would be easy. Such is not the case, and in fact the plethora of information available on the topic actually makes the process of reaching an informed decision even tougher, as their is more information than ever to try to dig through and sort out in the process.

When homeowners ask me for information on how to negotiate a loan modification, I try to walk them through a decision tree process to help them make the right choice for them. The decision is personal, and the right decision for one may not be right for another. Regardless of your situation, the process to reach a decision is generally the same. The first question that needs to be answered is if a mortgage loan modification agreement would even benefit you and if your loan would even qualify to be modified. If you are reading this article, you likely could benefit from restructuring mortgage terms.

Qualification for mortgage loan motification is a more difficult question to answer off the cuff, but we will provide some general guidelines on how to determine if you qualify to get a morgage motification. Your bank or lender, or whoever has authority over your morgage loan, would be the one responsible for determining if you meet their requirements. In other words your fate rests entirely in someone else's hands, right? Wrong! You will be turning in a lot of information to the bank lobbying your case. The bank has particular answers they want to see to the questions they ask you. The unfair part is that they don't give you the answers, or really even any guidance on them.

Can you succeed with Do-It-Yourself Loan Modification? That is a very common and reasonable question to ask. The important part in answering this question is to define "success". If you are able to get your mortgage company to reduce your payment by $25/month, is that a success? If you believe it is, you may be able to successfully negotiate the restructuring of your home loan on your own, though even if you believe your efforts to have been successful, how much money did you leave on the table? In other words, how much lower would the bank have been willing to go? A professional mortgage loan negotiation specialist knows this number and is able to ensure you get as close to it as possible. These mortgage loan modification companies very easily able to justify their fees as the amount of money they save the homeowner is typically many multiples of what they charge. While these fees are not able to be rolled into the loan like a typical mortgage refinancing, they are typically lower in cost, making it more affordable for the customer to come up with the funds necessary.

Getting comfortable with understanding how to get a mortgage loan modification approved is an important step in ensuring you are able to keep your home in the face of any financial hardship you are facing, which by the way you will need to document in a financial hardship letter to your bank. A reputable mortgage loan modification company will be able to help you with assembling what you need, including letter and documents, to ensure your case is brought to your bank or lender in the most favorable light for your situation. They will also be able to tell you early in the process how to get approved for loan modification. Take the time to gather all of the facts and make an informed decision. Your family's home is too important for you to take this topic lightly. While it is important for you to get as much information as you can before moving forward with the process, understand that time is of the essence as well and that the sooner you act the better the chances of a good outcome.

If you personally are looking for help with finding reputable home loan modification companies, Hunt Farnsworth suggests you visit

Another source for help in preventing the bank from foreclosing on your home would be


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